Why We Support ISAAC

By Rochelle Habeck and Allan Hunt [su_quote]We support ISAAC because we need ISAAC to survive.[/su_quote] That is more than a statement about injustice in our current environment and the importance of ISAAC as a medium for social change. As the hymn says that we often sing together at ISAAC events, “I need you to survive”. […]

Prayer for Racial Healing

God of justice, in your wisdom you create all people in your image, without exception. Through your goodness, open our eyes to see the dignity, beauty, and worth of every human being. Open our minds to understand that all your children are brothers and sisters in the same human family. Open our hearts to repent […]

May We Commit

ISAAC Family, as we enter Black History Month may we continue to commit to truth telling & acknowledgement of past & present harms that impact us ALL! May we commit: to our journey; to our faith; to love; to hope; to peace, to equity; to change; to justice; to unity; to one another and to building the […]

Ella’s Song

We who believe in freedom cannot rest
We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes
Until the killing of black men, black mothers’ sons
Is as important as the killing of white men, white mothers’ sons
That which touches me most is that I had a chance to work with people

Annual Service of Remembrance & Action – Feb. 17

ISAAC will unite with the Coalition for Common Ground, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America/Kalamazoo, the Metropolitan Branch of the NAACP and Galilee Baptist Church to host the 5th Annual Service of Remembrance and Action to memorialize the victims of gun violence, survivors, and all who have been affected by gun violence.

Banquet May 18 – Awards! Performers! Your Ad?

Here’s our beautiful new poster for the ISAAC 2019 Banquet on May 18, “Hold Fast to Love and Justice” (Hosea 12:6)!  We are very pleased to announce this year’s Performers and our 2019 Awardees! We were delighted last month to announce our keynote speaker Mee Moua—former Minnesota State Senator, Civil Rights leader, attorney, TRHT Racial Healing […]

Anti-Poverty Task Force Update

The Anti-Poverty Task Force has focused on 3 strategies to fight poverty in Kalamazoo County. Here are the updates on our progress on these strategies. Create jobs – Our task force will continue to support and raise awareness about Momentum’s job training programs and companies in the Employers Resource Network who provide jobs for Momentum […]

Anti-Racism Task Force – Truth-telling

[su_quote cite=”Peace, Barb”]Dear friends – My brother lives in San Diego, California and reports from near the Mexican border the truth about the immigrants arriving and their plight.  See his letter below.[/su_quote] Barb Cooley lived in Kalamazoo for her whole career as a high school teacher, and was active in People’s Church and ISAAC before […]

Affordable Housing Task Force Update

Everyone deserves a place to call home.  Here are our strategies to end homelessness, which we’ve been working on since we presented them at the ISAAC Public Meeting: Giving a “Local History of Racism and Segregation” workshop, jointly with Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) later this winter, for municipal officials in our county to […]

More Endowment Progress!

raised so far $40,050   $50,000   We are now over 80% of the way to reaching our $50,000 goal!  You are awesome donors! Here are the words of our Treasurer Andrew Chaponda: We are living in very interesting and challenging times here in Kalamazoo. The good part about it is there are people and […]

May God Bless us with …

“May God bless us with discomfort at easy answers, half-truths and superficial relationships, so that we may live deep within our hearts. May God bless us with anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people, so that we may work for justice, freedom and peace. May God bless us with tears to shed for those […]


The work of Justice is believing in something, even if it means sacrificing everything! We in ISAAC, being people of faith and consciousness, are called to stand up for peace, equity, love & justice! We stand unafraid and united! The work continues until every individual in our community is held as beloved.