Kalamazoo Community Foundation highlights ISAAC

ISAAC sends a heartfelt thank you the Kalamazoo Community Foundation for including our Beloved Community work in their recent issue of Partners in Philanthropy!  Thank you to all the Partners in Philanthropy for demonstrating your love for the Community! ISAAC in partnership is working so that Kalamazoo is a place in which our deepest values of […]

Enroll or Re-Enroll NOW for “Obamacare”

If you already have Affordable Care Act “Obamacare” coverage you must re-enroll between November 1st and December 15th for coverage in 2018.  Call 800-318-2596 or go to Healthcare.gov to enroll or re-enroll. Click here for more details.  Please spread the word! Thank you to the Health Care presenters at the Issues Convention for highlighting this […]

President’s Message

There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens… Ecclesiastes 3 A time to pray A time to talk A time to work together A time to rally A time to march… And NOW more than ever it is TIME TO GIVE to the organizations who are in the trenches doing the work […]

Choose ISAAC Issues For Next Two Years

Education, Poverty, Housing, Racism, Health Care, Immigration.  Which 3 of these should the 28 congregations & organizations in ISAAC work on together for the next two years?  Come vote! ISAAC 2017 Issues Convention Thursday Evening, October 26 6:30pm Registration – 7:00pm Presentations & Voting Christian Church – Disciples of Christ 2208 Winchell Ave, Kalamazoo 49008 These six issues […]

Stand up: Protect the Vote – Public Forum

Voter suppression—making more difficult our right to vote—undermines our democracy. Voting is what makes each of us equal to the other. In our democracy, it is the one exercise that is our ultimate expression of citizenship. Mt. Zion Baptist Church and ISAAC are hosting The League of Women Voters Kalamazoo’s “Stand Up: Protect the Vote”, […]

Equitable Funding for Public Education

The citizens of Kalamazoo have expressed concerns about the funding model for public schools. The current model has resulted in under-resourced public schools that are not able to adequately address the needs of children in poverty or English Language Learners. If you would like to advocate for more resources to provide high, quality K-12 public […]

Anti-Racism Report

The Anti-Racism Task Force is working to provide a challenging skit for the issues Convention.  We are trying to incorporate the Kalamazoo Public Library’s anti-racism team to support us. Our goal is to continue our work.  We are inviting everyone who has a desire to combat racism to vote for Anti-Racism at the Issues Convention. […]

Welcome to First United Methodist & Lutheran Church of the Savior!

A very warm welcome to the newest members of the ISAAC family–Lutheran Church of the Savior and First United Methodist Church of Kalamazoo! Click on their names to learn about their faithful presence in Kalamazoo County: Lutheran Church of the Savior Pastor Andrew Tengwall 3616 East G Avenue Kalamazoo, MI 49004 269-342-0069 First United Methodist […]

Encore article “ISAAC tackles injustice”

‘We Make Things Right’ ISAAC tackles issues of social injustice ISAAC was featured on pages 20-23 of the October 2017 issue of Encore Magazine! You can read it online or pick up your free copy at a theater or arts venues and news stands now. Thank you to Encore editor Marie Lee for spreading the word […]

President’s Message

James 1:19 – Understand this, my beloved brothers and sisters. Let everyone be quick to hear [be a careful, thoughtful listener], slow to speak [a speaker of carefully chosen words and], slow to anger [patient, reflective, forgiving]; (Amplified Bible) Thoughtful Listeners: A heartfelt thank you goes out to all of the volunteers who participated in […]

Executive Director’s Message

There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens… Ecclesiastes 3 A time to pray A time to talk A time to work together A time to rally A time to march… And NOW more than ever it is TIME TO GIVE to the organizations who are in the trenches doing the work […]

Youth Violence Prevention Task Force News

GROUP VIOLENCE INTEVENTION Hallelujah!  “Group Violence Intervention” began in Kalamazoo this summer!  Our Youth Violence Prevention Task Force has worked for over five years for this day! “Group Violence Intervention” strategy is an innovative one that brings community members together with our law enforcement and community leaders to give a powerful message that the violence must stop […]