Sleeping Bag Coats’ Update 1-10-21, by Coach Dick Shilts

Yesterday Tim and I traveled to the small encampment behind the old Wayside on Stadium Drive. We touched base with some folks who had already been given sleeping bag coats, and we learned that there were some “new” campers there. Two of them were forced outside because of problems “receiving their unemployment checks.” They welcomed […]

“If We’re Only Brave Enough To Be It”

We’re inspired for the work ahead by the amazing inaugural poem of Amanda Gorman, National Youth Poet Laureate.  Here are her closing lines: “We will rebuild, reconcile and recover and every known nook of our nation and every corner called our country, our people diverse and beautiful will emerge, battered and beautiful When day comes […]

Awesome Virtual Public Meeting

Awesome Virtual Public Meeting! The turnout was amazing! ISAAC held our first virtual Public Meeting on October 22, to call for “policies and practices infused with love, hope, equity and abundance”–the words Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. used to describe the Beloved Community. Nearly 500 people tuned in during the meeting, and over 3500 have […]

Video Clips of Public Meeting

You can watch the whole meeting at ISAAC – Virtual Public Meeting 2020 Or you can watch any sections you choose: ● Performers and opening blessings and songs ● Elder King’s welcome & explanation of the public meeting purpose ● Housing Task Force Presentation ● Anti-Racism TF Presentation ● Gun Violence Prevention TF Presentation ● […]

ISAAC & TRHT Housing Task Force – “Asks” & YES Responses

Ask #1 – Housing Equity Ordinances in More Municipalities Good evening, I’m Andrew Chaponda, I’m Ellen Nelson. I’m Brenda Henry. I’m Cathy Phason. And I’m Parker James.   Andrew – We have some celebrating to do!! The Housing Equity Ordinance–that ISAAC proposed at our Public Meeting two years ago—PASSED the Kalamazoo City Commission unanimously! This […]

Anti-Racism Task Force – “Asks” & YES Responses

Good evening, my name is Al Dixon, I am a co-chair of the Anti-Racism Task Force. We are committed to anti-racism and racial healing work because our history impacts our present and we continue to see systemic racism threaded within the practices and policies of our country, our local communities, and our institutions. We believe […]

Gun Violence Prevention Task Force – “Asks” & YES Responses

Good evening my name is Rick Omilian, co-chair of the ISAAC Gun Violence Prevention Task Force. One year ago, we stood before the community at the ISAAC Issues Convention and shared statistics and news headlines about gun violence in Kalamazoo County in 2019. Gun violence within our community has shifted under Covid-19. Through Oct. 13, 2020 […]

Beloved Community Members – Gun Violence Survivor Stories

We invite you to listen to our Beloved Community Members, Ms. Melody Coleman, Dr. Pat Stromsta and Ms. Gwendolyn Lewis as they share their personal stories of how gun violence has impacted their lives. We want to send heartfelt love and gratitude to these awesome women! Ms. Melody Coleman Dr. Pat Stromsta Ms. Gwendolyn Lewis

It’s a T.R.I.P.

Trauma Reducing Informed Practices Our community has unfortunately been experiencing the impacts of gun violence. Many of us are wondering what we can do collectively. Please know you are not alone. We are in this together! We invite you to view this virtual community discussion recording. It’s a T.R.I.P, standing for Trauma Reducing, Informed Practices […]

ISAAC News – Virtual Public Meeting October 22!

Our Journey Continues… Dear Beloved Community Members, thank you for your support and for joining us for our 2020 Virtual Journey to DC for Racial Justice! We traveled over 7,000 miles together!!! BUT WE CAN’T STOP MOVING NOW! Our vital work continues!!! Please listen to our ISAAC President, Elder Doug King’s opening inspirational message inviting […]

ISAAC 2020 Public Meeting – October 22 – Virtual!

Changes of “policy and practice infused with love, hope, equity and abundance”! (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s words describing the Beloved Community.)  At the ISAAC 2020 Public Meeting on Thursday, October 22, at 6:30 pm, public officials, candidates, and community leaders will publicly pledge to work with us on policies and practices that help build […]

Vote YES on “Kalamazoo County Housing Proposal”

How can people “stay home” during the pandemic if they don’t have a home?  How can children do school online “from home” if they don’t have a home? Turn your ballot over! Vote YES on the “Kalamazoo County Housing Proposal” at the very end of your ballot!  Just 10 cents a day if you have […]