Anti-Racism Task Force will advocate for…

At the Public Meeting on October 25, the Anti-Racism Task Force will advocate for one “internal ask” and one “external ask.” The internal ask is for Clergy from ISAAC member congregations and organizations to commit to having clergy, leaders, congregants and members participate in an ISAAC Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT) Healing Circle. The […]

Anti-Poverty Task Force will advocate for…

How can we change hiring practices and policies to remove barriers to employment? Most people believe that having a job is a means for people to get out of poverty.  The Anti-Poverty Task Force has learned that people living in poverty experience multiple barriers to obtaining long-term employment. For example, people who experience food insecurity […]

Housing Task Force will advocate for…

How can we meet everyone’s need for a place to call home? Excellent work to increase the supply of affordable housing is being led by the City of Kalamazoo, in collaboration with many partners.  Where does ISAAC fit in?  Our Housing Task Force is most concerned about families with children, and others with very low […]

Why ISAAC Endowment? Dr. Regena’s Story

I am a GEM (“Give Every Month” donor) and I also donate to the ISAAC Endowment Fund. I have been involved with ISAAC for about 12 years. I learned about ISAAC when my children were 2 and 4 years old.  At that time, I was teaching a full load at WMU, coordinating the early childhood […]

Enchanting novel by ISAAC Leader Al Dixon!

Al Dixon, long-time ISAAC leader, has published a delightful book for young readers! Al has been St. Barnabas Episcopal Church’s representative to the ISAAC Leadership Board since the early days of ISAAC, has served on our Housing Task Force from 2003-2015, and is now co-chair of our Anti-Racism Task Force. That’s Al presenting the flag […]

Community Focus Groups on Fair Housing

We are Building the Beloved Community Kalamazoo is one of only three locations nationwide to receive the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) Implementation and Innovation Fund grant to strengthen partnerships and develop a racial equity lens for fair housing. ISAAC’s Housing Task Force, led by Co-Chairs Tobi Hanna-Davies and Stephanie Hoffman, is doing […]

Welcome to New ISAAC Clergy

A very warm welcome to the new clergy at three of our ISAAC member congregations–Rabbi Simone Schicker at Temple B’nai Israel, Ms. Jess Davenport, Campus Pastor at Wesley Foundation, and Rev. Paul Neuchterlein, Interim Pastor at Lutheran Church of the Savior.   We are very pleased to have each of you in our ISAAC Family!  We […]

A Visit to the Legacy Museum and the Memorial for Peace and Justice

[su_quote cite=”Martin Luther King Jr.”]True peace is not merely the absence of tension. It is the presence of justice.[/su_quote] Writer’s note: On my recent visit to Tallahassee to visit my oldest daughter, Kelli, we ventured north to Montgomery, Alabama, on a beautiful Saturday with two of her co workers, to spend a day at the […]

October 25 Prep – Join a Task Force

Here are the powerful ads our three task forces put in the event booklet for the Run/Walk/Roll.  Please plan to turn out on Thursday evening October 25 for the ISAAC Public Meeting to support their hard work discerning changes of policy and practice to advocate to help build the Beloved Community. Click on the flyers […]

More Photos of the Run/Walk/Roll!

Thank you to Tinashe Chaponda, the son of ISAAC Treasurer Andrew Chaponda, from Westwood United Methodist Church, for all these photos of our first-ever Run/Walk/Roll! It’s wonderful to have new photos of so many of the people who came out for the Run/Walk/Roll on June 30 despite the record heat!

THANK YOU for Moving Toward Justice!

THANK YOU to everyone who helped make “Moving Toward Justice” such a success! The first ever ISAAC Walk/Run/Roll “Moving Toward Justice” bought people of all ages together from many different parts of the community on Saturday, June 30, at Spring Valley Park.  “We are becoming the Beloved Community, where every person is held as beloved, as […]