Rabbi Matt’s Farewell

Rabbi Matthew Zerwekh, thank you for blessing and touching our lives as we continue to grow, learn and Become The Beloved Community. We are excited to see all God has in store for you and your family on this new journey. We are ISAAC Family for Life. – Elder Doug King & Dr. Charlae Davis, […]

ISAAC’s Beloved Community Walk/Run/Roll: Moving Towards Justice

See the videos below of ISAAC leaders talking about the Walk/Run/Roll on Saturday morning, June 30 at Spring Valley Park! If you haven’t already signed up, we want to invite you to join ISAAC’s Walk/Run/Roll: Building the Beloved Community: Moving Towards Justice. The Beloved Community is an inclusive, democratic reality that, while not devoid of conflict, is free of violence. […]

Save the Date! October 25!

Save Thursday evening, October 25 for the ISAAC 2018 Public Meeting! This is the evening when a HUGE audience is needed to show public officials how very strong our faith communities’ support is when they make changes of policy or practice that create equity and build a more just community. October 25 is the evening […]

Anti-Racism Task Force News

With so many atrocities happening daily in the war on racism, we continue to hear these compelling stories of people standing up for justice. We are intrigued by the media outlets focusing on all the good and the bad things that are happening within our own country. Day by day and hour by hour. We ask ourselves what does being racist […]

Poverty Task Force News

Over the past months the Poverty Task Force has been gathering information from articles, documentaries and one-one interviews with leaders in Kalamazoo to help us understand who is impacted by poverty and who benefits from impoverishing people.

Housing Task Force Efforts Make the News

Two recent Mlive articles illustrate the success of ISAAC’s process of catalyzing public policy changes to build the Beloved Community.  It was past efforts of our Housing Task Force that catalyzed the adoption in our community of both of these new housing strategies reported on MLive: Bronson Hospital Program Houses Frequent Emergency Room Visitors By […]

Farewell to Rabbi Matt

With a sad, but also loving and glad heart, we will soon say farewell to Rabbi Matthew  Zerwekh, one of our fellow ISAAC Executive Board Family Members. Rabbi Matt, during a very troubling time in our society, we greatly appreciate you, your presence, gifts, wisdom and voice in ISAAC. Thank you for blessing and touching […]

Sign up for the Walk/Run/Roll Before May 31st Before Prices Go Up!

Walk/Run/Roll for all ages! “ISAAC’s Walk/Run/Roll provides the opportunity to come together as a community in a new way! Our welcome is extended to the youngest to the oldest; to the observer to the more active participant; and to any and all community members as we continue to build the Beloved Community! Join us as […]

Annual Meeting Photos

The photos tell the story of our joyful Annual Meeting on April 10.  Public Safety Chief Karianne Thomas and three of her four Assistant Chiefs came to speak with us, and there was wonderful progress to celebrate in 2017. (see our April 6, 2018 news articles) Thanks to Amy Peterson for all these great photos!

Anti-Racism Task Force: Life After Emmett Till’s Murder

Conversations with Emmet Till’s cousins, members of the Moses & Elizabeth Wright Family Writer’s note:  History is a series of true stories and those stories can be life changing in awakening one’s mind and heart for the betterment of mankind. And so it was on my recent visit to Tallahassee, Florida to visit my oldest […]

Housing Task Force News

“How is it going, discerning what change of housing policy you’ll advocate at the ISAAC Public Meeting in October?” “Can you come speak to our group about the policy changes you’re considering?”  The Housing Task Force keeps getting these questions!  The community is looking to us for leadership and is anxious to find solutions to […]

Growing our Endowment Fund

“A typical annual gift to a nonprofit?  What’s your guess?  The answer is  $150.  A typical legacy gift or planned gift to a nonprofit?  $70,000!” That’s how Julie Loncharte from the Kalamazoo Community Foundation and Sabrina Pritchett-Evans from State Farm started their presentation at the ISAAC Supporters Supper on April 26.  The power of legacy giving is […]