Youth Violence Prevention in 2017

It’s a sign of progress that Youth Violence Prevention was not chosen as a top concern of community members surveyed in our Listening Engagement before the 2017 Issues Convention.  One reason may be that the Youth Violence Prevention Task Force had accomplished their long-held goal of instituting Group Violence Intervention (GVI) in Kalamazoo and had […]

President’s Message

Scripture gives us valuable direction on the importance of the work that we do. “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause. “    – Isaiah 1:17 “Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy. “    – Proverbs 31:9 “Give justice to the weak and the […]

Beloved Community Walk/Run: Moving Towards Justice

  Form your Beloved Community TEAM Today!  Walk or Run with us Towards Justice! To bring the Kalamazoo County Community together, ISAAC usually has an Annual Banquet. In 2018 we will host a Walk/Run instead–Building the Beloved Community: Moving Towards Justice. The Beloved Community is an inclusive, democratic reality, which while not devoid of conflict, is free of violence. It is a place […]

Public Safety Chiefs Lunch Meeting

El Concilio and ISAAC hosted a Luncheon with our new Chief, Karianne Thomas and Asst. Chief Dave Boysen. Our discussion included the work both organizations are doing, continued partnership and growth in open communication, trust, justice and culturally competent practices. A special thank you to Chief Thomas and Assistant Chief Boysen for their commitment to […]

Service of Remembrance: Lives Lost to Gun Violence

“Turn up the heat, and the snakes come out.” When Dr. Michael T. Scott, Sr., Senior Pastor at Galilee Baptist Church began reading his chosen text, Acts 28.1-10, I was not alone in wondering where exactly he could possibly be taking us! But by the time he completed his words of hope and inspiration, the […]

Anti-Poverty Task Force News

“The haves and the have-nots. The line. The place the people at the bottom are trying to get to, and the place the people at the top are trying to keep from going below. They don’t want to look below it either.” – The Line The Documentary The Line shares stories of four American individuals […]

Anti-Racism Task Force News

When speaking on the issue of racism a lot of feelings manifest. Dealing with these issues in America right now is hard for us people of color because we want justice for the wrong brought against us. Not being able to have your voice heard in a situation that pertains not only to you, your […]

Housing Task Force News

Remember this?  We voted “Yes!” First-Year Successes of the millage program: A place to call home for over 100 families with school-aged children throughout Kalamazoo County Children attending school regularly and improving academically LANDLORDS WANTED Do you or anyone you know have available rental property? Would you or they consider joining this very successful program?  […]

I’ve Been to the Mountaintop – April 3rd

“I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” on Tuesday, April 3, 6:30-8:30 pm, at Transformations, is co-sponsored by ISAAC on this very important 50th anniversary: On April 3, 1968, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King delivered the “I’ve Been to the Mountain Top” speech at Mason Temple in Memphis, TN. The next day he was assassinated. Fifty years […]

Hope is still alive!

I have shared three quotes below from Martin Luther King Jr. that will hopefully encourage you as they did me. I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality… I believe […]

We celebrate, remember and honor an Awesome Man of God: Rev. Robert Rasmussen

On May 6, 2017 Rev. Rasmussen accepted ISAAC’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Preceding the Banquet Rev. Rasmussen was faced with serious health challenges and was placed in hospice care. Many believed that this Award would be given posthumously. However, we thank God that Rev. Rasmussen attended the Banquet as a walking miracle. That night during his acceptance speech, he reminded our community that God did not want us to forget those who are oppressed. […]

Welcome Portage Chapel Hill United Methodist Church to the ISAAC Family!

We would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest ISAAC Family Member: Portage Chapel Hill United Methodist Church (PCHUMC.) We look forward to learning from PCHUMC and building the Beloved Community together. How far have we come towards realizing the Beloved Community? Looking at our segregated worship services, noting the rising violence and […]