Vote YES for Kids!

Vote YES for Kids! is a campaign to significantly reduce homelessness for children and their families in Kalamazoo County.  1586 school-age children experienced homelessness during the 2013-14 school year, from every one of the nine school districts in in Kalamazoo County.  The Kalamazoo County Public Housing Commission, chaired by David Anderson, has asked the County Commissioners […]

Transit Millage Voting Information

Get the Facts Before You Vote August 4, 2015 Sunday Buses! Late night buses! That’s what we will get if enough people vote YES for the Aug. 4 Transit Millage. But the ballot language does not mention this! Think of all the places open on Sundays–stores, restaurants, theaters, hospitals, churches, etc.–that people who need the […]

Thank You for this Generous Grant!

The Kalamazoo Community Foundation has given ISAAC a huge compliment by granting us funds to support our social justice work. That shows a deep trust in our process of congregation-based community organizing to build a just community–and a deep trust in the abilities of our Executive Director Dr. Charlae Davis, Community Organizer Vanessa Miller, and […]

YES Vote on KRESA Millage Benefits ALL Our Schoolchildren

Vote YES on May 5 on the KRESA millage! “If approved, this millage will be used by the Kalamazoo Regional Educational Service Agency (KRESA) to substantially or fully reimburse school districts for the existing shortage in special education funding. This will improve the funding for ALL our students.” See the letter from ISAAC President & Executive Director, and KPS Superintendent.

ISAAC Education leaders & Transit leaders ask you to vote YES on Proposal 1

A growing number of ISAAC partners are supporting Proposal 1 [su_list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#9602ca”] Michigan’s Children has a well-written one-page handout The May 5th Proposal 1 Road Package: Protecting and Supporting Michigan Children & Families The City of Kalamazoo City of Parchment Kalamazoo County Transportation Authority (see the April agenda packet page 8) Michigan League for Public […]

Call to Action: Early Childhood & K-12 funding at risk in state budget!

Early Childhood and K-12 Education funding in our County is at risk in the state budget! As an advocate for children and education, you know that the first years of life are most critical to school success! There are 3 ways to get involved: 1. Contact our Legislators 2. Attend “Are We Crazy About Our Kids?” […]

More than 500 attend annual ISAAC banquet ‘On the Road to Justice’

“On the Road to Justice” was the theme of ISAAC’s 12th annual banquet and a record number of people were on hand Saturday night as part of the journey. More than 500 people were attended the event in the Bernhard Center Ballrooms at Western Michigan University for the event. Several were praised for helping the […]

What did ISAAC accomplish in 2014?

[su_list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#9602ca”] “Ceasefire” initiative is moving forward This February, thanks to support from the Kalamazoo Community Foundation and leadership from the City, a group of community leaders and KDPS officers are going to “Ceasefire” training together at John Jay University, where David M. Kennedy teaches his approach to reducing youth violence — called […]