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A message from our ISAAC President and Executive Director

Dear ISAAC Family, We pray for and send you love, peace, health and wellness to you and yours and all individuals around the world. We would like you to know that St. Luke’s as with many congregations, organizations, businesses and locations, for the safety of our community, will be closed to in person services and […]

Group Violence Intervention (GVI) Street Outreach Dinner

Sending a special thank you to our Awesome Group Violence Intervention (GVI) Coordinator Michael Wilder for building our GVI Street Outreach Team, with Phenomenal Community Members, with powerful testimonies. Our new Street Outreach Workers are vital and valued Team Members for Group Violence Reduction and are already working tirelessly for our community. We had a […]

Leadership Board’s StrengthsFinder Workshop

ISAAC would like to send heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Pat Stromsta, VP for Leadership Development, for her facilitation of our Leadership Board’s StrengthsFinder Workshop (this meeting happened pre-covid19 social distancing). This was truly a wonderful opportunity for us to explore our strengths and natural talents together, while better positioning us to use our gifts for […]

Gun Violence Prevention Task Force

In light of ISAAC meeting cancellations and stay-at-home orders, The Gun Violence Task Force is going to keep highlighting awareness of gun violence topics which affect Kalamazoo.  In particular, there are currently gun violence prevention issues which intersect with the coronavirus pandemic. Stay-at-home orders for those in domestic violence situations are intensifying the danger that […]

Meet Chris Roberts

I have been with ISAAC in some capacity for over ten years. My latest assignment is doing data entry work for the office. I have done this on and off for five years. It is easy and fun spending time with Charlae Davis and Sheila Takyi at the office. I change all the addresses and […]

Add your voice! Support the Housing Equity ordinance!

“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for!”  That saying is especially true right now.  We are the ones who can give the Kalamazoo City Commissioners the community support they need in order to pass the Housing Equity ordinance. Would you help by adding your voice to this letter? Click here to download the printable […]

Bugs in Our Brains: Changing the World by Changing Our Thinking

ISAAC would like to send a heartfelt thank you to Beth Washington for facilitating an awesome, eye opening and powerful Bias Workshop! Participants learned how to examine human bias, recognize different cultural dimensions, define key terms needed for eliminating racism and oppression and understanding the connection between USA history and structurally disadvantaged communities and populations.  A […]

Gun Violence Prevention Task Force

At our third meeting, with 12 members present, the Gun Violence Task Force started our Power One-on-One interviews by interviewing Judge Curtis Bell of Kalamazoo County Probate Court and retired KDPS Capt. Stacey Ledbetter.  Capt. Stacey talked about her work in ALPACT (Advocates and Leaders for Police And Community Trust).  Its mission is to address […]

Service of Remembrance

A Beautiful Service of Remembrance! Sending a special thank you to our Beloved Community Kalamazoo Survivors and All Community Members who attended! Thank you to all of our Awesome Speakers: Sister Mollie Peterson, Elder Doug King, Brother Ed Genesis, Elder Robyn Robinson, Sister Ora O’Connell and Dr. Michael T Scott. A heartfelt thank you for a powerful Word Spoken by Dr.Tamara […]