Join Us For Our Beloved Community ISSUES CONVENTION

We are blessed to announce that on Tuesday August 13th, ISAAC’s Leadership Board Representatives voted unanimously “Yes” on the recommendation from our Executive Committee to continue the ISAAC Housing Task Force with TRHT (Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation) for the next 2 years without a 2019 Issues Convention vote. ISAAC will be contracted to do this […]

Welcome to Ed Genesis

The ISAAC Family wants to extend a sincere welcome to Ed Genesis who will be serving in the capacity of a Contractor for the remainder of 2019 to assist ISAAC with Community Healing, Listening, Engagement and Mobilizing. Ed is no stranger to ISAAC and has worked collaboratively with us through Kalamazoo’s Truth, Racial Healing and […]

Banquet DVDs are Here!

Hold Fast to Love and Justice!  Did you miss the ISAAC Banquet or want to relive that wonderful evening? Place your order today!

ISAAC has dinner with Ms. Saheeda

All of our lives were enriched by hearing Ms. Saheeda’s story.  She came to the U.S. to join her children’s father and make a better future for her children.   She has suffered many losses: the loss of her marriage, her daughter’s tragic death in a car accident after graduating from college, and now she has lost her […]

Fair Housing Public Comment!

We’ll need YOUR presence at Kalamazoo City Commission when the dates are set for Public Comment on our Fair Housing proposals!   Watch for news about the dates!  Save the 1st & 3rd Mondays at 7:00 pm on your calendar, if you can.  Plan to wear your ISAAC T-shirt and come early to get a seat! […]

Gun Violence PREVENTION (not Control)

After more than 40 years of strategic lobbying and candidate support, the gun lobby has managed to repeal most every law in state legislatures (and weaken Federal legislation) that had anything at all to do with access to firearms and where they can be carried. In Michigan if you decide to purchase a handgun, not […]

Our Endowment Goal–a Whole Year Early?

I’m excited and pleased that it looks very do-able for us to reach our $50,000 Endowment Fund goal by the end of 2019—a whole year earlier than expected!  This means we’ll be able to begin receiving interest income a whole year early!  If you can help, the time to do it is between now and […]

Thank You Rabbi Schicker for an Awesome Intro to Judaism

Part of cultivating the Beloved Community that Dr. Martin Luther King preached about means learning the importance of self-transformation within our equity work. That way we may work more effectively to transform systems and institutions.  We wanted to send a heartfelt thank you to Rabbi Simone Schicker for an awesome 2-part series: Intro to Judaism for our ISAAC Family. […]

Save the Date! October 29 is Our Issues Convention

Put Tuesday evening, October 29 on your calendar for the ISAAC 2019 Issues Convention–when everyone present votes on which issues we’ll work on for the next two years!  Thanks to the generous hospitality of Revs. Jerry & Janet Duggins and the Westminster Family, this year’s Issues Convention will be at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1515 Helen […]

Sen. Sean McCann & Rep. Jon Hoadley Discuss State Budget Priorities

“Don’t tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money and I’ll tell you what they are.” – James W. Frick On July 22, ISAAC hosted a forum with Senator Sean McCann and Representative Jon Hoadley to share information on how state budget decisions are made. They explained how we can […]