Rabbi Matt Zerwekh Chosen for Foundation for Excellence Board

Congratulations to ISAAC Family member Rabbi Matt Zerwekh, Rabbi of Temple B’nai Israel and member of the ISAAC Executive Committee, for being recommended as the faith sector representative on the inaugural board of the Foundation of Excellence.  He is one of ten people chosen, out of 150 applicants, to represent specific issues, causes and neighborhoods. […]

Beloved Community Walk/Run!

There won’t be an ISAAC Banquet this year, BUT stay tuned for more information! Coming in June of 2018 will be the ISAAC Beloved Community Walk/Run: Moving Towards Justice. The Beloved Community is an inclusive, democratic reality that while not devoid of conflict, is free of violence. It is a place in which our deepest values of abundance, equity, […]

Join the Anti-Racism, Housing or Poverty Task Force!

Would you like to be part of the ISAAC process of listening to people with expertise and discerning new ways to create an equitable community?  You’re invited to join one of our new task forces: Anti-Racism– 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30 – 8 pm, at St. Luke’s (but will attend National Day of Racial Healing event on January 16) […]

Family & Friends Breakfast Photos

THANK YOU to everyone who turned out so early for the December 12 Breakfast –in a snowstorm!  And to all the wonderful speakers who shared their stories about deciding to be a GEM (Give Every Month donor)—Paula Willson, Jo Brown, Emily Hazel, Jeremy Sabella, Steve Barber, and Venessa Collins-Smith.  Thanks to Wendy Flora for leading […]

“Above and Beyond Award” to Amy Peterson!

Our first ever “Above & Beyond Award” was presented at the Family & Friends Breakfast to Amy Peterson: For designing every year’s ISAAC banquet book since 2006, And usually the poster and flyers as well, For taking photos at every ISAAC event since 2005 And making wonderful slide shows of them for the banquets, For […]

Great news! ISAAC Endowment Fund!

If you weren’t at the ISAAC Family & Friends Breakfast on that snowy morning, December 12, you might not have heard this great news. We have an ISAAC Endowment Fund “under development”!  That means we’re well on our way to creating a fund that will generate income for ISAAC every year! Can you help?  Your gift will […]

Build the Beloved Community With Us

“ISAAC shows the willingness to do what has never been done and to embrace the unpopular to address issues that have not been meaningfully addressed before. ISAAC has an unwavering commitment to build a better community.” – Addis Moore, Northside Ministerial Alliance President and Mt. Zion Baptist Church “In the scriptures we read that a […]

Family & Friends Breakfast – RSVP by Dec. 8

If you are reading this, you are part of the ISAAC Family!  We hope you can join the 50 people already signed up for the ISAAC Breakfast on Tuesday, December 12, 7:30-9:00 am in the Dining Room of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church.  RSVP by Dec. 8 to isaackalamazoo@gmail.com or at 269-341-4213, so we have enough coffee […]

Join a New Task Force!

Would you like to be part of the ISAAC process of partnering with others and discerning ways to create an equitable community?  Join one of the new task forces and come to the next meeting: Racism – Tuesday, December 19, 6:30pm-8pm at St. Luke’s Poverty – Tuesday, January 23, 6:30pm-8pm at St. Luke’s Housing – Usually the 1st […]

Day of Racial Healing – Save Jan. 16

Save the Date: January 16th – Day of Racial Healing. Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation is a comprehensive, national and community-based process to plan for and bring about transformational and sustainable change, and to address the historic and contemporary effects of racism.  It was launched in January 2016 with a year-long design phase and builds upon and […]

How does ISAAC Work?

Do you see “Task Forces’ Training & Research” near the top left of this chart? That’s where we are now in the ISAAC Two-Year Cycle.  We’re just about to head into 2018 and “One-on-Ones by Task Forces” (near the top right) to develop relationships with partners, choose a focus for policy change and ask public […]

Thank You for a Great Issues Convention!

President Elder Doug King, Executive Director Dr. Charlae Davis and the whole ISAAC family want to thank everyone who worked hard on issues presentations and all who attended to vote and support this work of justice.  You are awesome! Here’s Mlive’s coverage: “ISAAC chooses poverty, racism, housing as top Kalamazoo issues“ And here’s our media advisory […]