Anti-Racism Task Force Report

Co-chairs: Andrew Alm & Teleshia Parker The Solution to Racism in America is Taking a Stand for “Anti-Racism!” “The Anti-Racism  Task Force met for the first time on Tuesday October 27th at St. Luke’s downtown, thank you to all who attended. Joining us for our first meeting were Dr. Mundy and Aliisa Lahti from ERACCE, […]

Executive Director’s Report

Dr. Charlae Davis 15 Years of Making a Difference in Kalamazoo! We are excited to announce that next year is our15th anniversary.   It’s been 15 years since, our vision statement was adopted; congregations and organizations first contributed membership dues; and members attended national leadership training November 2015 is now here and it is time for our End-of the-Year Campaign!!!!  There continues to be a compelling need and urgency […]

President’s Report

Rev. Matt Weiler Is it Winnable? Is it winnable? This is a fundamental question that any good to community organizing effort asks before cutting an issue. Thanks be to the housing task force for answering with a confident yes for the “vote yes for kids” which passed this month! Additionally thanks be to the Kalamazoo […]

Hallelujah! Our county voted YES for Kids!

Hundreds of homeless kids in Kalamazoo County will get housing and help for their families over the next six years!  About 1200 kids!  Well done, everybody!  ISAAC played a key role.  Thank you for “putting feet to your faith.” The detailed results of the election are stunning.  More voters said YES than No in every […]

Get the Facts Before You Vote Nov 3

Get the facts before you vote Nov. 3 on the $5/year proposal re homeless schoolchildren Over 1200 school children were homeless in the 9 school districts of Kalamazoo County last year (KRESA data.) Research shows that stable housing is essential to children’s educational achievement, as well as their emotional development and physical health (Kids Count […]

“Race in America” Speaker Ta-Nehisi Coates Here Nov 3

Acclaimed author Mr. Ta-Nehisi Coates will speak on “Race in America” at the Kalamazoo Community Foundation’s Annual Community meeting on Tuesday, November 3, 8:00pm, at Miller Auditorium.  Free admission.  Free parking in the Miller structure.  Doors open at 7:30.  Registration requested.  Kazoo Books will have Mr. Coates’ books there for sale. Come see why Mr. Coates’ books and his […]

Why do we need to talk about racism?

Fernando Ospina and Lillie Wolff Why do we need to talk about racism? First off, when we talk about racism, we are not just talking about how we are as individuals. We’re talking about something bigger than just you and I or us in this room. We’re talking about systemic racism. It’s pervasive. It’s everywhere. […]

Executive Director’s Report

Dr. Charlae Davis As a community, we showed up, we reflected, we voted and now it’s time to ACT! In February 2015, ISAAC decided to embark upon becoming a more intentional anti-racist institution. We greatly appreciate our partnership with ERACCE (Rev. Dr. Mundy, Lillie, Fernando and Aliisa).  On October 1, 2015 Racism was chosen at our Issues […]

Youth Violence Report

Wendy Flora “Abandoned at birth by a father who didn’t want me. Visions of my mother being beaten still haunt me. But I broke my mother’s heart. I was delinquent.  It was frequent,” recited Michael Wilder, telling his story and calling for action against youth violence at the Issues Convention.  Venessa Collins-Smith also shared her story […]

Housing: “Vote Yes for Kids Nov. 3” Report

Tobi Hanna-Davies, Mary Lewis & Ann Perry, Steering Comm. Members Election day is our big chance to change the story for 1200 schoolchildren who are likely to be homeless in Kalamazoo County this school year! Research shows that stable housing is essential to children’s educational achievement, emotional development and physical health. You can make a […]

Early Childhood & Education Report

Rochelle Habeck The need for strengthening early childhood and education was strongly supported at the 2015 ISAAC Issues Convention and is one of three going forward! If you missed it, you can see the video we showed. Join us at our first meeting, Monday night October 26, 7:00 to 8:30 pm at St. Luke’s Church […]

Jobs Presentation Report

Steve Barber The importance of “Jobs” in our world was presented.  “Who you are” is often defined by what you do.  Jobs are connected to a persons self-esteem, self-concept, etc. Unfortunately there are barriers that prevent good people, good workers from getting jobs.  These barriers are misleading, prejudicial and related to assumptions regarding education, commitment, […]