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Big Progress on Our Endowment

Thanks to many of you, we are almost halfway toward the required $50,000 for ISAAC to receive interest income from our Endowment Fund!  As of the ISAAC Breakfast on December 5, the Kalamazoo Community Foundation has received ISAAC Endowment Fund gifts and 2018 commitments of well over $23,000!  Huge thanks to all of you who […]

YOU are needed! Help ISAAC Cultivate the Beloved Community

The work of Justice is more vital than ever! We invite you to give to our work of community organizing, social justice and policy changes in the areas of racism, poverty and housing. As described by Dr. Martin Luther King, The Beloved Community is an inclusive, democratic reality, which while not devoid of conflict, is […]

Welcome to New ISAAC Clergy

A very warm welcome to the new clergy at three of our ISAAC member congregations–Rev. John Best at Pine Island Presbyterian Church, Pastor Chuck Moerdyk at North Presbyterian Church, and The Rev. Mike Wood at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church.  We are very pleased to have each of you in our ISAAC Family!  We look forward […]

YOU are needed! Help ISAAC Cultivate the Beloved Community!

Today is Cyber Monday and tomorrow is Giving Tuesday! Give to both at the same time! The work of Justice is more vital than ever! We invite you to give to our work of community organizing, social justice and policy changes in the areas of racism, poverty and housing. As described by Dr. Martin Luther […]

President’s and ED’s Message

On October 25th, Kalamazoo Community Members, Leaders, Clergy, Elected & Public Officials, and Candidates showed up in support of Cultivating the Beloved Community! We would like to issue a sincere thank you to ALL who attended ISAAC’s 2018 Public Meeting! It was an awesome night! We are thankful to our hardworking Co-Chairs, (Stephanie Hoffman, Tobi […]

Photos of the 2018 Public Meeting

These wonderful photos were taken by Amy Peterson from St. Luke’s Episcopal Church and Rick Johnson from People’s Church.  Click on any photo to enlarge it.  Then read about all that happened at the “Awesome Public Meeting!” in the next article.

Awesome Public Meeting!

“Amazing!” “Awesome!” “Best ever!”  Those were very frequent responses to our Public Meeting on October 25 in the sanctuary of Mt. Zion Baptist Church.  Powerful presentations by our three task forces were followed by commitments—by the entire audience, the clergy, and candidates and local elected officials from all levels of government–to help build the Beloved […]

What do you want your legacy to be?

Emily Hazel graduated from high school just eight years ago, but she has been thinking about her legacy for a long time.  She’s our youngest donor to the new ISAAC Endowment Fund!  If you can, please join Emily in building an endowment that will generate funds for ISAAC way into the future.  We have raised […]

Church Women United Gives Human Rights Awards

Congratulations to all the recipients of this year’s Human Rights Awards given by Church Women United!  So many of them are part of ISAAC!  Left to right in the photo, they are: [su_list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#9602ca”] Rev. Morris Brooks from Mt. Zion Baptist Church, which just generously hosted the ISAAC Public Meeting Janette Evans, Trenches […]

ISAAC 2018 Public Meeting Evaluation

Thank you for attending, we would like your feedback. We would like to issue a sincere thank you to ALL who attended ISAAC’s 2018 Public Meeting! This work continues so that we see rooted policy/practice changes in Kalamazoo in the areas of: poverty, racism and housing. This work continues until all individuals in our Community […]

Message from the President & Executive Director

In this video, Martin Luther King Jr, spoke of The Beloved Community, which while not devoid of conflict, is free of violence. It is a place in which our deepest values of abundance, equity, community, hope, and most of all love are infused into our policies and practices, so that every individual is held as beloved.

Your presence is important at the Public Meeting October 25!

ISAAC Public Meetings in the past have been key to a long list of accomplishments with our partner agencies: Sunday buses and late night buses added by Metro; “Vote Yes for Kids” millage for families with kids in the schools to have a place to call home; “Group Violence Intervention” by KDPS and community leaders […]