Early Childhood & Education Progress

Kalamazoo County school administrators and over 225 community members at nine organizations now better understand the impact of chronic trauma on children–and how we can respond more effectively to help trauma-affected children develop resilience. Making good on their promise at the ISAAC Public Meeting in October, school administrators participated in workshops in October and November.  The WMU Children’s […]

Anti-Racism – Cradle Kalamazoo’s Powerful Work

In Kalamazoo black babies die 4X more than white babies.  All the research on this disparity shows that the causes are not what you might guess—not income level, not education level, not genetics, not health care.  The stress caused by racism is the cause — all the many ways that racism puts immense stress on mothers-to-be and families who […]

Housing Matters Forum – Help end homelessness with your own home!

You are invited to the next Housing Matters forum, where Ann Perry, Kay Perry and Tobi Hanna- Davies will describe their experience taking homeless individuals into their homes. Ann and her sister Kay have given a home six times to individuals re-entering the community from prison. Tobi, inspired by the Perrys, has had a housemate […]

President’s Message

Psalm 118:23 – This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. Oh what a night! This is exactly how I felt after our recent Public Meeting on October 6, 2016 at Mt. Zion Baptist church.   What an awesome night of celebration and commitments! The community support was amazing, which just overwhelmed our […]

Come Vote for ISAAC to Receive Funds!

The Urban Democracy Feast: Supporting Local Social Justice Projects Saturday, November 12, 2016 at 4:30 pm, at First Congregational Church   Since 2015, a group of community organizations have started a face-to-face crowd funding process. This process occurs over a meal so we can exchange information about shared problems, common obstacles and ways to overcome […]

Clergy Call for Unity & Peace following Outcome of Election

Clergy from many faith traditions and from across Kalamazoo County have come together out of concern over talk by some individuals of negative actions following our national election. They invite the whole community to an interfaith service for unity and peace on November 9, the evening after the election. They asked ISAAC to help organize […]

2016 Public Meeting Photos

Huge thanks to everyone who helped make the 2016 Public Meeting so powerful!  Special thanks to Amy Peterson and Charlae Davis’ Uncle Johnny for capturing the event in these wonderful photos.

New Partners & Strategies to Address Inequities – 2016 Public Meeting

The three hundred people at the ISAAC Public Meeting at Mt. Zion Baptist Church on Thursday evening October 6, cheered enthusiastically for the new strategies ISAAC has chosen and the new community partners who have joined the work on Anti-Racism, Early Childhood & Education, and Youth Violence Prevention. “Once again, the Public Meeting was amazing,” […]

Early Childhood & Education Task Force Update

Those who attended the Public Meeting learned about the impacts of adverse childhood experiences (traumatic stress) on brain development, behavior and learning, and long-term health and well-being. Cara Weiler, MSW, Clinical Supervisor from Southwest Michigan Children’s Trauma Assessment Center (CTAC), joined task force members in explaining the science and the heart of the matter. Our […]

Youth Violence Prevention Task Force Update

The Youth Violence Prevention Task Force is currently working on the curriculum for the Future Leaders for Peace (FLFP) leadership development and youth community organizing training.  This training will help prepare our young people to be community leaders and make effective changes to make our community more just.  Stay tuned for more information to get […]

Anti-Racism Task Force Update

Examining Racial Disparities in Employment: Critical Cultural Competency A workshop for Employers and Human Resource Directors The Anti-Racism Task Force is asking local employers to save May 25! Thursday, May 25, 9:00am – 4:30pm Location in Kalamazoo, to be announced An additional date, probably on a Saturday, is also being explored, so that employers have […]

ISAAC News – YOU are needed on October 6!

Your Presence Matters October 6! YOU are needed on October 6! The more people present, the greater our progress on creating an equitable community! “This will be a joyful gathering,” said Elder Doug King, Pastor of Grace Covenant Ministries and President of ISAAC.  “We expect hundreds of people who share our faith values of fairness, equity, opportunity and loving […]