ISAAC is Mobilizing Youth!

“ISAAC is a respectable, responsible, caring group of people who help to lead Kalamazoo in the right direction! They have also helped me get onto the road of success!” –Travontae McFerrin-Brown, 2016 Phoenix High School Graduate and KVCC student In a 2015 community listening campaign, residents shared concerns for the lives and futures of our […]

“Toxic Stress” in Young Children

Doug Davies’ contribution to work with young children is featured in the most recent “Infant Crier”, the newsletter of the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health. “This special edition about Doug is exactly the message we are spreading throughout the community. It’s no accident that he found a way to collaborate with us and support […]

Getting ready for the Public Meeting!

Our task forces and their subcommittees have spent many hours discerning what policies and practices, based on our shared faith values, to advocate at the October 6 Public Meeting. Huge thanks to all the task force members who have given their time to this process all year, and to all the community leaders who have […]

President’s Message

In my Christian tradition scripture says Romans 12:4-6 – For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each […]

Your Voice Has Power!

Kalamazoo County is an awesome community with outstanding people. However, our community unfortunately is not exempt from the institutional injustices that plague our nation. Yet, as a community we are unique and special because we understand that we CAN find solutions for dismantling these problems TOGETHER. If you are concerned about racism, youth violence and education inequities […]

Youth Violence Prevention News

With the help of Representative Jon Hoadley, our Task Force is reviewing sensible gun legislation at the state level. We are excited and are planning a thoughtful presentation and “ask” of Community Leaders for October 6.  We invite you to join us for this Public Meeting in Mt. Zion Baptist Church’s gymnasium. Registration begins at […]

Anti-Racism News

Last month the Anti-Racism Task Force voted to direct our focus towards racial disparities surrounding jobs in the Kalamazoo area. After listening to many leaders in our community, the task force felt that we would have the most impact in this area. Our vision for the public meeting on October 6th is to ask businesses to commit […]

Early Childhood & Education News

“Having been with young parents after the death of their infant who was on a couch or in the bed with them, I know how important this is and how few people really know the safe sleep info, regardless of class or race. It is simple and lifesaving. This is the most preventable way we […]

Metro Rides

Sunday Buses & Late Night Buses are Here!

Sunday buses and Late Night Buses are finally a reality! Congratulations and thanks to Friends of Transit (ISAAC & Disability Network Southwest Michigan) for long years of advocacy, to Metro Transit and the Central County Transportation Authority for a great job making all the schedule and route changes needed, and to all the voters who […]

President’s Message

Psalm 118:24 – This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. (NKJV) What a great day to be a part of such a powerful organization. As we are now on the heels of an extremely powerful 15th Anniversary celebration, let us rejoice in what God has done. […]

Youth, ISAAC and Pretty Lake Camp

As our Development Consultant Lauren Fitzmaurice brainstormed with us, she recommended that we develop a summer camp component as an extension of our Youth Violence Task Force’s Future Leaders For Peace round tables.